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\"Ok believe it or not this is a serious question,for a while now I have been very suspicious that I am allergic to my underwear.I will explain: Basically I kept experincing painful rashes after using my 90%cotton 10%lycra stretchy underwear.I had painful rashes on my private area including my bottom and wherever the elastic touched my skin including the leg creases.So I switched to 100%cotton underwear but of course they still have some elastic.It reduced the soreness and itching in the private area but still I was experiencing irritating rashes in the leg crease.so I started to go commando and the problem cleared up.However its not possible to go commando all the time so,yesterday i grabbed some underwear not realizing it was the stretchy kind and now I have a sore,painful and rashy private area.The same thing happens with my bras,i break out under my arms and on the sides where the bra touches my skin.does anyone know what I should do about this is this an allergy\"
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Our pleasant group uses you to obtain familiarized with favorable terms of participation for corporate clients. We responsibly approach our tasks, clean utilizing specialist cleaning items and also specialized equipment. Our staff members are educated, have medical books as well as are familiar with the subtleties of eliminating facility as well as hard-to-remove dirt from surface areas.
Just this past year Fruit of the Loom and Haynes have both started putting pesticide in their under wear. I stopped buying any of it because in my opinion they are poisoning us. Here are the facts. May 04, 2017 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
In Jan of 2019 I bought Hanes underwear and used it for couple of days. I developed severe rash within a week. It started at the waist and spread to the groin and armpits, then to the ribs and back. It was very itchy and painful. I then went to see my doctor who could not figure out what caused this rash that looked like poison Ivy. We went over a laundry list of things that I wore, used or ate and could not come up with anything concrete, even though I mentioned to the Dr that I wore the new type of synthetic underwear from Hanes but he did not pay too much attention. I suffered with this rash for 6-8 weeks and tried all kinds of itch relieving lotions, soaps, ointments, etc but nothing worked. I then tried Almond Oil and it seemed to have done the magic and got the rash and itch under control within couple of days. I made the mistake of keeping those 3 underwear and last week I decided to try it out and see if the rash comes back . Believe it or not, it came back but is limited to the groin and armpit area. The almond oil is helping to relieve the itch and rash temporarily but it keeps coming back. Will see a dermatologist soon to see if he has any ideas and also call up Hanes customer support to find out if they are aware of any allergic reactions to their underwear, probably it is something in the elastic waist band that is triggering this rash.
i got a issue with elastic, I never would of thought the elastic in my underwhere, and suspenders would cause me so much greef.cutting to the chase I was told I had sciatica,and beleave me it had all the symtoms,but as days and months went on the suspenndes I wear x in the back and straight down the front left a burning feeling the u/wear the same. SO as of today no suspenders and ive turned the elastis away from my skin and used my eppi pen to speed up the prosses to recovery
I often soak my clothes in buckets of Oxiclean to help get any molds out, then wash as normal, assuming the washer is free of soap scum, mold contamination, and less detergent (powder preferred) is being used.
Check plastic and elastic allergy reactions for octylisothiazolinone allergy related to the methylisothiazolinone , benzisothiazolinones ( both biocide preservatives used in cosmetics , household cleaners, laundry detergents and latex/ pvc plastucs manufacturing processes. The isothiazolinones will nit be in any clothing labels and sometimes not listed in cleaning products either .also used in new clothing treatments to keep from mildew. AlsoIn all latex paints 59ce067264